Saturday, June 9, 2012

Intramural Champs/DAT

On Thursday, Jeff played in his championship intramural softball game with our married ward. It was super intense! Also, the whole season, our cheering section was basically made up of all the awesome wives of the superstar players. It has been so much fun getting to know all of these amazing girls from the ward. They are all really great!

Anyway, let's get to the good stuff haha. The game was extremely close. They had already played a game against the same team just before this one, and they lost (even though they played them only a couple of days before and had beat them by one point). So it was intense, if you could imagine. In the championship game, they were losing 5-6 in the last inning. A guy on our team (Kevin Pulsipher) pretty much saved the day and hit a home run and scored us the two points we needed at the end of the game. It was awesome! By the end of the game, all of the girls were cheering and jumping up and down like crazy because we were just so darn proud of  our awesome husbands. We even all got up and made a tunnel for our winning group of boys. It was an amazing game! Congrats to the 35th ward HOLY THROWERS!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I forgot to mention that Jeff had already played on the ward dodgeball team earlier in the semester, and they came out champions! Hence, Jeff already had an intramural champions shirt. So what was he to do, being such a swell guy? He gave his wife the other shirt he won for softball (in my size, of course). The best part is, now we have another shirt to MATCH! Haha we are excited about that.

In other news, Jeff took the DAT today. Hence, I am making a blog post because I am too nervous to do anything else (oh, besides surprise him and make cinnamon roll pancakes and sausage and eggs for when he gets home). He's been preparing for a few months (taking several practice tests, going over old test questions, spending nine LONG hours in the library studying yesterday, and for the past couple of weeks or so, etc.), and our future is basically riding on this day. No biggie or anything. So I'm doing a little more than crossing my fingers that this huge test went well for him. I am super thankful that he is an extremely hard worker, and he really goes after stuff he wants. He is an amazing husband, and I am thankful each day that I am married to him.

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