Friday, May 18, 2012

Some new additions...

So remember that plastic temporary kitchen table we used to have just about a week or so ago? It's GONE! Woo-hoo! Jeff and I found a steal of a deal on ksl for this cute little kitchen table. We love it! And the best part is it was super cheap.

Ksl is the best. We also found this awesome t.v. stand for way cheap. Don't ya love it when people are moving and they need to get rid of their stuff fast?! We haven't assembled the glass shelf yet, but I'm sure it will look even better when it is all put together!

Our new little home is (still) slowly coming together, and we are accumulating things as we go it seems like. But all we have to say about that is...we love ksl!

1 comment:

  1. Your place is coming along nicely! We loved ksl and DI too. You'll never forget your first place together .
